Regroupement des comités logement et associations de locataires du Québec
Regroupement des comités logement et associations de locataires du Québec and al. v. Société d’habitation du Québec , N° 500-06-000403-077
Any person who is, has been or was benefiting from the Rent supplement Program or the Rent supplement Emergency Program and named as recipient in the Subsidy calculation form of the Société d’habitation du Québec and whose rental contribution is, has been or was increased for the provision of a stove and/or refrigerator for one or more months starting July 1st 2004.
Recent Development
Collectiva class action services inc. was appointed Claims Administrator to administer the claim process and the distribution to members which was approved by the Superior Court of Québec.
If the Société d’habitation du Québec reduced your subvention by adding a monthly charge to your contribution to the rent in exchange for a stove and/or refrigerator from July 1, 2004 for one or more months, you can request the reimbursement of these charges less the fees incurred by the present class action.
To obtain a reimbursement, you must complete and send us a claim form (THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING A CLAIM HAS NOW EXPIRED) and the required documentation.
The deadline to file a claim is March 12, 2016.
After receipt and review of your claim, we will send you a written decision. If you disagree with this decision, you can contest it by sending a letter outlining your reasons for constesting , before March 25, 2016, to the civil registry of the Superior Court of the district of Montreal at the Monteal Courthouse located at 1, Notre-Dame street East, Montreal (Quebec) H2Y 1B6 (514-393-2246). This letter must mention the Court file number of the class action : 500-06-000403-077. The Court will hear the contestations at a hearing on April 4, 2016. The room number will be indicated on this page closer to the hearing date. You do not have to be present at the hearing, however if you wish to be present please notify us before March 28, 2016.
The amounts distributed to members have no impact on the calculation of the last resort financial assistance benefits.
Please note that it is important to notify us of any changes to your contact information.
Lawyers of the class action
Me Karin Wollank
6385, Sherbrooke East, suite 206
Montreal (Quebec) H1N 1C4
Tel : 514-866-3203
Fax : 1 888-332-6606
2000, boul. Saint-Joseph East, Local 35
Montreal (Quebec) H2H 1E4
Tel :514-521-7114
Fax : 514-521-0948
Public Notice
Detailed Notice available at the registry of the Superior Court of Québec at the Montreal Courthouse or at or
Judgement on the distribution to members (French only)
Judgement on the merits (French only)